The UF/IFAS Florida Agricultural Experiment Station Summer Research Internship program supports UF undergrads for research experiences with faculty. For students not residing in the Tampa Bay area during summer, affordable housing is available nearby at the Tropical Aquaculture Lab on a first come-first served basis.
Chloe Schwab

Year: 2021
Major: Marine Science
Chloe worked on the Diadema aquaculture project. She helped design and execute an experiment testing the effects of diet type and in-tank structure on growth and behavior of hatchery propagated juvenile Diadeama.
Sarah Pearce

Year: 2019
Major: Biology
Sarah’s main duties included working with recirculating systems and Diadema sea urchin aquaculture. She also assisted with bay scallop restoration in Charlotte Harbor and seagrass restoration fieldwork in Crystal River.
Lindsay Skaggs

Year: 2018
Major: Marine Science
Lindsay primarily assisted with fish sampling in Tampa Bay. She also got experience working with recirculating systems and Diadema sea urchin aquaculture.
Sebastian "SeaBass" Slagel

Year: 2017
Major: Marine Science
Seabass executed an experiment using PAM fluorometry to evaluate the photobiology of corals growing under natural and artificial light regimes. He was lead author on a manuscript resulting from this work published in Zoo Biology. Seabass also assisted with coral restoration fieldwork in the Florida Keys.
Katherine Anderson
Carissa Mastrorio

Year: 2016
Majors: Marine Science (Katie) and Business (Carissa)
Katherine (left) and Carissa (middle) worked together on several projects. They did bay scallop restoration fieldwork in Charlotte Harbor, sampled fish communities in Apollo Beach, and worked on coral restoration both in the Florida Keys and on site in a Florida Aquarium greenhouse.

Year: 2015
Major: Marine Science
Tim built a recirculating system for coral aquaculture and collected data on growth rates under varying flow regimes. He co-authored a poster presented at the 2016 Aquaculture America conference in Las Vegas. Tim went on to earn a master’s degree at the Tropical Aquaculture Lab with Drs. Jeff Hill and Quenton Tuckett.