I grew up in Bloomfield Hills, Michigan, a suburb of Detroit. I became interested in aquatic science during hours spent exploring the Great Lakes, and later encountered coral reefs during family trips to the Florida Keys. Today, I study strategies that could enhance active coral restoration. I recently explored the potential role of coral phenotype in restoration. My research showed that unique phenotypes related to growth and stress tolerance can be discerned within a nursery setting. Furthermore, genetically and phenotypically different corals of the same species have unique metabolite profiles – chemical fingerprints that could someday be used to identify genotypes with desirable traits. I have also considered questions related to the outplanting phase of coral restoration, including identifying the physiological changes that occur during acclimation to new depths and light regimes. I am currently investigating how storm energy affects restored colonies in different reef zones. In the past, I have studied disease prevalence and mitigation among wild and restored corals and have also been involved in studies of invasive lionfish, Nassau grouper recruitment, and long-term reef monitoring.
B.S. Biology, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI
M.P.S. Marine Biology and Fisheries, RSMAS University of Miami, Miami, FL
Ph.D. Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences, University of Florida, Gainesville, FL
Henry J, Khattri R, Guingab-Cagmat J, Garrett T, Merritt M, Patterson J, Lohr K. (2021) Intraspecific variation in polar and nonpolar metabolite profiles of a threatened Caribbean coral. Metabolomics 17: 60.
Slagel S., O’Neil K, Lohr K, Patterson J (2021) Growth, calcification, and photobiology of the threatened coral Acropora cervicornis in natural versus artificial light. Zoo Biology 40: 201-207.
Lohr K, Ripple K, Patterson J (2020) Differential disturbance effects and coral phenotypic plasticity among restored patch and fore reef sites. Journal for Nature Conservation 55: 125827.
Lohr K, Khattri R, Guingab-Cagmat J, Camp E, Garrett T, Merritt M, Patterson, J (2019) Metabolomic profiles differ among unique genotypes of a threatened Caribbean coral. Scientific Reports 9: 6067.
Lohr K, Camp E, Kuzhiumparambil U, Lutz A, Leggat W, Patterson J, Suggett D (2019) Resolving coral photoacclimation dynamics through coupled photophysiological and metabolomic profiling. Journal of Experimental Biology 222: jeb195982.
Suggett D, Camp E, Edmondson J, Boström-Einarsson L, Ramler V, Lohr K, Patterson J (2019) Optimizing return-on-effort for coral nursery and out-planting practices to aid restoration of the Great Barrier Reef. Restoration Ecology 27:683-693.
Lohr KE, Cook McNab AA, Manfrino C, Patterson JT (2017) An assessment of wild and restored staghorn coral Acropora cervicornis in three reef zones at Little Cayman, Cayman Islands. Regional Studies in Marine Science 9:1–8.
O’Donnell K, Lohr K, Bartels E, Baums I, Patterson J. 2018. Acropora cervicornis genet performance and symbiont identity throughout the restoration process. Coral Reefs 37: 1109-1118.
O’Donnell KE, Lohr KE, Bartels E, Patterson JT (2017) Evaluation of staghorn coral (Acropora cervicornis, Lamarck, 1816) production techniques in an ocean-based nursery with consideration of coral genotype. Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology 487:53-58.
Lohr KE, Patterson JT (2017) Intraspecific variation in phenotype among nursery-reared Acropora cervicornis (Lamarck, 1816). Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology 486:87–92.
Lohr KE, Smith DJ, Suggett DJ, Nitschke MR, Dumbrell AJ, Woodcock S, Camp EF (2017) Coral community structure and recruitment in seagrass meadows. Frontiers in Marine Science 4:388.
Lohr KE, Patterson JT (2016) Coral reef conservation strategies for everyone. EDIS Publication FA199. Gainesville: University of Florida, Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences.
Lohr KE, Bejarano S, Lirman D, Manfrino C (2015) Optimizing the productivity of a coral nursery focused on Acropora cervicornis. Endangered Species Research 27(3):243–250.
Bejarano S, Lohr KE, Hamilton S, Manfrino C (2015) Relationships of invasive lionfish with topographic complexity, groupers, and native prey fishes in Little Cayman. Marine Biology 162(2):253-266.
Miller MW, Lohr KE, Cameron CW, Williams DE, Peters EC (2014) Disease dynamics and potential mitigation among restored and wild staghorn coral, Acropora cervicornis. PeerJ 2:e541.
Lohr KE, Camp EF, Manfrino C (2014) First record of the basslet Gramma dejongi outside of Cuba. Coral Reefs 33(1):221.
Camp EF, Lohr KE, Barry SC, Bush PG, Jacoby CA, Manfrino C (2013) Microhabitat associations of late juvenile Nassau groupers (Epinephelus striatus) off Little Cayman, BWI. Bulletin of Marine Science 89(2):571-581.